Freshly Picked: Papaya Toys

Holger Theisen learned a lesson quite some time ago: You can judge a business you are considering working with or for by the cleanliness of their bathrooms.

The CEO of Papaya Toys, Theisen is located within a day’s drive of all the suppliers for his company, and he routinely visits, checking the restrooms almost every time.

“You can tell if a company treats its employees well by how clean they keep their bathrooms,” he said. “And the companies that treat their employees well are the companies we want to work with.”

It takes on a deeper meaning, too, considering Papaya Toys is a German-owned company that is based in Hong Kong. Theisen said he realizes that “China” is one of those hot-button topics in the industry, but also realizes that the country and some of the companies located there are not the pariahs they have been made out to be.

“There are very good manufacturers here, who take pride in their work, and who care for their employees,” he said, adding that Papaya’s line of products are German-designed and manufactured in China, but they use medical-grade silicone and other materials from U.S. suppliers.

“Papaya Toys only collaborates with companies that respect their employees and care about them, as we care for and respect our own employees,” Theisen emphasized. “We rigorously inspect all our own manufacturing facilities as well as those of our suppliers. This gives the people we care for most, our customers, the confidence that their Papaya Toys are unrivaled in quality and produced with the utmost care.”

Theisen, who already lived in China when he created Papaya Toys three years ago, got into the pleasure products business when several female friends questioned why, if he was already near top manufacturing companies, was he not producing a quality vibrator?

“We decided not to think about cost or sales but to focus on form and function,” he said. “Not that this made our life easier, but it felt right for us.”

Papaya Toys managers define themselves not only by the company’s products but also by the people who work with the company, Theisen said.

“Whoever buys a Papaya Toy is assured that we produce not only safe toys with a great design, but that we do this with a social, environmental and functional conscience,” he said. “Papaya Toys is a choice of conscience and not simply an adult toy.”

Papaya Toys has a passion for attention to detail in both product assembly and quality control. The company’s zeal for perfection delivers high-quality products at an affordable price to customers around the globe.

“We scout trends in lifestyle, gather opinions from suppliers, but most of all listen to women,” Theisen said of Papaya’s process for deciding what pieces to create. “Papaya Toys finds our inspiration in the nature as well as in the diverse cultures. Our product has to put a smile on people’s faces. If we feel a concept does not have what it takes to make you feel happy by just looking at the toy, then we drop the idea.”

To date, Papaya Toys offers four products in its initial line: The Rainbow, the Tattoo, the Turtle and the Candy Stick. The pieces are designed to be fun, fresh, healthful and beautiful, Theisen explained. Papaya Toys develops products designed to inspire women to explore their sexuality.

“‘Rediscover Passion’ is not only our motto; it’s our vision,” he noted. “We bring you innovation, individuality and excitement.”

But the road has not always been an easy one to travel. Because they are trying to provide high-quality vibrators, the managers at Papaya Toys had to search for the right collaborators—people who would be flexible with the relatively new company.

“We work hard in finding the right people who understand that sometimes you have to go into new directions—that, yes, we are different and, yes, we are not willing to make compromises in terms of pricing because that would harm our quality,” Theisen said. “The biggest success happens every day again and again, and that is when I open emails from customers who are happy with our product and I can see that the thoughts that we put into our product and the philosophy of our company are so appreciated by women.”

Theisen said it’s his goal that Papaya Toys will show consumers and others in the pleasure products industry that an adult toy is more than just pleasure item: “that our customers demand more than the product itself, that questions have to be answered when it comes to how is the product made, what is in it, and that we as an adult toy company must be transparent and accountable in terms of product safety.

“I would like to see industry standards and use labels to ensure we do compare products the right way, and make it more transparent for consumers what it is that is in their toy,” he said. “I would like to see the industry working on environmental issues and see how we can contribute.”

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