Fiera Arouser Billed As ‘Before-Play’ Device For Women

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.—The Fiera Arouser is one of the newest items for women that relies on suction for clitoral stimulation.

Manufactured by Nuelle and designed by Dr. Leah Millheiser, an OB/GYN and chief scientific officer for the company, the Feira Arouser is an intimacy enhancer for women who struggle with sexual arousal, but is safe for use by women of almost any age or sexual status. And in addition to being used before sex to stimulate arousal, the Fiera Arouser can also be used during sexual encounters.

The hands-free device needs water-based lubicration around the Sofsense Ring to help create a seal. The ring circles the clitoris and tucks under the labia. The suction helps to hold the Fiera Arouser in place, as well as helps to increase blood flow to the clitoris and labia.

"I think of Fiera as a jump-starter for foreplay, I call it 'Before Play,’” Millheiser said in a recent interview with “It works by using suction to enhance blood flow to the genitals which leads to that pleasurable sensation of genital engorgement and arousal which then sparks desire."

The Fiera is different from pills and enhancement creams in that it is more of a “jump start” to foreplay. Using the product for a few minutes helps get women in the mood and ready for sex, Nuelle CEO Karen Long said in the piece.

The Fiera comes in two sizes to fit more women, and offers carious vibration settings to help increase the blood flow. Typically, wearing the Fiera for 5 to 10 minutes before sex helps to increase desire and self lubrication, and since the suction creates a vacuum to hold the Fiera in place, it can be used hands free during intercourse.

Normally priced at $299, Nuelle is currently offering the Fiera Arouser for $199. For more information, visit