Eldorado's Uncle Dave Noblitt Retires

BROOMFIELD, Col.With more than 35 years of experience and dedication to the industry, Eldorado proudly recognizes Dave Noblitt's outstanding career and celebrates his well deserved retirement.  

Eldorado has had the privilege of working with Noblitt for eight years. In that time, he served as a knowledgeable, productive and helpful employee in the sales department. Noblitt's longstanding background in the business has made him an effective mentor for new blood, as well as a respected and friendly coworker for the Eldorado team.

"Dave has always been very pleasant, kind and polite. One can't help but respect the knowledge and wisdom he has gained through his life experience," said Laurie Fehler human resources director. "It was exciting to welcome him to Eldorado's team and sad to see him go."

"It’s been a pleasure working with Dave," said Eldorado Sales Director Karla Scott. "His years of experience and hands-on knowledge are something our sales team was fortunate to benefit from—we miss him already."

Eldorado's warehouse operations manager Doug Hunter added, "Dave is a great team player and a genuine, enjoyable person to be around. His presence here will be missed and we wish him the best in retirement!"

"Dave was an invaluable addition to the Eldorado team. He brought decades of industry knowledge and a great sense of humor to the company," said Eldorado CEO and founder Larry Garland. "It's an honor and a privilege to have had Dave choose to spend his last working years with us."

After wrapping up a successful career in the adult industry, Dave looks forward to spending time with his ever-increasing family. Noblitt will attack his twilight years with signature “Uncle Dave” vigor and plans to open his own Oklahoma-style barbecue joint. If previous company picnics are any indication, you’ll want to get in line now.