Ducky DooLittle Launches Love U Parties

NEW YORKDucky DooLittle is proud to announce her new business, Love U Parties. Love U is a sex positive revolution in the home party industry. It’s a home party company for those who want to make money and have a positive impact on the world.

Ducky DooLittle (sex educator, author, and certified Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Counselor), with her 20 years in the industry, explained, "Love U Parties helps people build beautiful businesses by supplying them with high-quality, ethically sound products with unsurpassed support and training.” And she’s not kidding. Ducky has years of experience, training sex educators for some of the most notable companies and universities nation wide.

“In this economy everyone is looking for a little extra income,” she said. “Home parties are the number one growth market in the adult industry, but almost all the programs out there are antiquated. They have products that aren’t healthy for the body and they really aren’t supporting the growth of their consultants. Love U is something very different. We don’t have the largest mix of products, but the ones we have are hand chosen and they represent the best that is out there.”

Love U Parties is also the only company to full embrace diversity. Love U is for individuals of every age, race, size, culture, gender and orientation. All consultant costs are transparent. There are no hidden fees or financial requirements. Love U works hard to ensure a low overhead and a high profit margin.

As an introductory offer and through the end of February, Ducky will be doing parties herself. The 40 percent of each sale (that would normally go to the consultant) will go to the Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Program. Dates with Ducky will be available in cities nationwide, but are limited. Book your Love U Party today.

For more information, go to