Crystal Delights Working to Benefit Charitable Organizations

NEW BOSTON, N.H.—VirtuallyAbout LLC, manufacturer of Crystal Delights, is proud to announce that they have been working together with some of the most distinct adult toy manufacturers in the industry for Crystal Causes, a charitable effort that supports sex-positive communities.

The $12,000 Give-Away event offers up 12 baskets for lucky supporters via donations to supporting organizations. Each basket is filled with a fantastic array of high-quality adult products from 17 companies committed to furthering sex-positive education, with donations coming from as far as Israel from T.O.Y (Thinking Of You).

Crystal Delights brand toys, sculpted of smooth jewel tone glass and finished with sparkling Swarovski elements and vintage glass medallions, are only one of the sensational additions to the drive, joined by everything from luxury vibrators to sex toy storage for enviable assortments that will please any donor to the cause.

Shellie Yarnell of Crystal Delights explained, “Crystal Causes grew out of our passion and commitment to support the community that supports us and our products. We began our business with a mission and a sense of responsibility to always be paying it forward.”

When asked about the generosity of the other companies supporting the project, she continued, “We’ve been humbled by the wonderful partners in our industry that have contributed to the gift baskets that are being given away to 12 lucky winners.”

Pamela McKee, managing partner at Papaya Toys, added, “We pride ourselves on social responsibility, and so there was no question that we would participate when Crystal Causes approached us. This is a cause that is near and dear to so many, and we at Papaya are happy to help in any way we can.”

In all, Crystal Causes will support seven worthy organizations with the drive. Yarnell explained, “The list of organizations had been longer, but we discovered that not all charities are interested in support from the adult industry—though disappointed, we understand why.”

The seven organizations provide services and support to a variety of individuals with personal challenges that might not otherwise be able to receive the help they need.

“Views on sexuality are changing in this country,” Yarnell continued. “But it still has a long way to go. We want to support that effort, as do the wonderful sponsors joining us.”

The 17 adult industry sponsors are donating products and services, which are arranged into a dozen baskets to be given to as many winners. The retail value of each basket is more than $1,000, which values the entire give-away at more than $12,000 in prizes. To enter, individuals should donate to one or more of the sex-positive organizations supported by the Crystal Causes fundraiser.

The event offers several ways to donate, play and win—full details and basket information is available at

Just $7 will help seven great organizations and give you seven chances to win part of $12,000 in amazing products.