to Bristol Palin: Come to Safe Sex Side

VALENCIA, Calif.—Sexual aid retailer wants to recruit the clearly unchaste Bristol Palin to become a spokesperson for safe sex following her announcement Thursday via her blog that she is now pregnant with her second child out of wedlock. CEO Kevin Mirarchi has extended a public offer to the once abstinence-preaching Palin for a lifetime supply of condoms and a speaking engagement in Los Angeles as a proponent of safe sex.

"Ms. Palin's recent announcement has brought the failure of abstinence-only education into sharp focus," Mirarchi said. "In offering Ms. Palin free Shibari Condoms for life, and a chance to speak publicly, I am hoping she uses this opportunity to redeem herself to the public, who, at the moment, sees her as a hypocrite."

In Palin's Thursday blog post, which came just a month after her planned marriage to U.S. Marine Dakota Meyer was called off without explanation, she wrote, "I wanted you guys to be the first to know that I am pregnant. Honestly, I am trying my hardest to keep my chin up on this one. ... I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you. ... Tripp, this new baby, and I will all be fine, because God is merciful."

Tripp is Palin's now seven-year-old first child, whom she had at 17 with on-again off-again fiancé Levi Johnson during her mother Sarah Palin's campaign as the U.S. vice presidential running mate to Republican hopeful John McCain.

Mirarchi further remarked, "I'm saddened to see this expectant mother publicly label her unborn child as a 'disappointment.' The birth of a child should be seen as a blessing; I hope some day, all women will feel empowered to embrace their sexuality and, with safe sex education, use every method at their disposal to plan their lives and their families as they see fit."

For more information about's various offerings and services, including its affilitate program and educational feature CondomMan University, click here.

Photo of Bristol Palin by Gage Skidmore. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons