CSC Goes to Indiegogo to Fund Erotic Reading Circle Anthology

SAN FRANCISCO—On July 1, 2014, the Center for Sex and Culture (CSC) and the Erotic Reading Circle launched a month-long fundraiser to publish its new anthology entitled Sex Still Spoken Here.

The Indiegogo campaign will run throughout July with a goal of raising $5,000.

"A mighty goal, we know," said Dr. Carol Queen, one of the book's editors, "but this money will go towards printing costs and actually paying our 27 writers. Radical! As a volunteer-run project, we really need your help."

The Erotic Reading Circle (ERC) is a group of writers and listeners that has gathered every week since 2006, at San Francisco’s Center for Sex and Culture, to share stories of desire and longing in a supportive and fun community setting.

"We believe that there should be more erotic writing in the world, not less, so that readers have access to a wider, more realistic, more human array of erotic expression," Dr. Queen wrote in a press release. "Thus this new anthology, named in honor of the first Erotic Reading Circle anthology, Sex Spoken Here, published in 1997 by Down There Press."

The ERC was developed At Good Vibrations in the 1980s, and when it stopped happening at Good Vibes, CSC was kindly allowed to carry on the flame.

The book, which will be the first anthology published by the CRC, will feature material from 27 Circle writers, including horehound stillpoint, Seeley Quest, Simone Corday, Sinclair Sexsmith, Jeff Jacobson, Avery Cassell, Dorothy Freed, Scott Bentley, C.J. Schneider, Anáin Bjorquist, Christine Solano, Lilycat, Jack Fritscher, Norman Armstrong, Holly Zwalf and more, plus sexy material from the editors, Dr. Carol Queen, Jen Cross, and Amy Butcher.

The Indiegogo campaign can be found here, and a promotional video by Jen Cross can be found here. The project also has a Facebook page and a Twitter account, and the editors ask that those tweeting use the hashtag #ssshbook.

"Every dollar helps," Dr. Queen said, and those with deeper pockets can score an e-book for $7 or splurge for $20 and receive a printed paperback. Check out the campaign site for even more rewards.

For more information, and to subscribe to the campaign's email list, click here.

Pictured, clockwise from top left: Amy Butcher, Jen Cross, Dr. Carol Queen.