Ball and Chain Unveils 'Secret Romance' Game

AUBURN, Wash. - Adult game manufacturer Ball and Chain has set a May release for Secret Romance, which features 100 cards bearing instructions for romantic acts.


Company founder and owner Dawn Goodman said the game was a hit last week at the International Lingerie Show.


"I gave my only game sample to Joe and Lisa at Entrenue, and they did very well with it," she explained. "Secrete Romance is going to be another hit. I can feel it. It will be in stock in just a few weeks, and I'm taking preorders for it now."


Lisa Mazurek, Entrenue's sales and marketing director, told AVN Novelty Business the game created a buzz at the International Lingerie Show.


"We took it to ILS last week, and it's absolutely darling," she said. "The packaging is great, the graphics are great and everybody who saw it responded very well. On top of that, it's got a perfect price point, and we're confident it's going to do well."


Secret Romance comes in a heart-shaped metal tin that houses 100 instructional cards, which bear "secrets" that players are to act out. Examples include cuddling on the sofa, taking a romantic bubble bath together, a moonlit stroll on the beach and ideas for sending an electronic greeting card or email.


Ball and Chain will begin shipping Secret Romance in the first week of May.


To place a preorder, send email to [email protected].