PROVIDENCE, R.I. - Miko Wholesale Inc. has reported receiving a "huge" response to its new anti-dog-fighting shirts from the Doggy Style Designs line of dog apparel.
Owner Jeff Gellman told AVN Novelty Business magazine that the new line of shirts-which were inspired by the controversy surrounding football player Michael Vick, who was indicted in a federal dogfighting case-has outsold all of the other shirts combined.
"The public outrage is very strong, and this has been a goldmine for us," he said. "As far as dog shirts in the adult business goes, once the store buyer/owner realizes that four out of every 10 of the customers that walk into the adult store also own dogs, it makes sense."
The dog-clothing industry has made an estimated $40.8 billion in profit this year, according to Doggy Style Designs. Miko urges its customers to capitalize on this market.
"All of Miko's Naughty Dog Tees are professionally screen-printed or designed with transfers," said Deborah Collier, sales director for Doggy Style Designs. "Each month, Miko selects a handful of tees to display and promote." This month's feature is the line of shirts opposing dog fighting and Michael Vick.
Gellman also said that due to overwhelming interest from talent in the adult industry and at the recent AVN Novelty Expo, he has begun a dog-training business, Solid K9 Training, and plans to visit "porn valley" in the coming months. To schedule an appointment, call (401) 527-6354.
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