Amerilab: Drinkin' Mate a Hit in Test Markets

PLYMOUTH, Minn. - Amerilab Technologies Inc., a manufacturer of nutritional effervescent products, has developed Drinkin' Mate, a tablet described as "preventative maintenance" to combat hangovers.

Drinkin' Mate, which contains a wild guava leaf extract, is said to prevent hangovers if taken before, during or immediately after drinking.

Lance Nelson, Amerilab Technologies' vice president of sales and marketing, told AVN Novelty Business the product isn't intended to imply that those with drinking problems should taking up drinking again.

"We're taking a very responsible drinking message mainstream," he said. "We're not [promoting] excessive consumption. For someone with a severe alcohol problem, this doesn't mean it's time to get back on the bottle."

Amerilab Technologies owner Fred Wehling came up with the idea for Drinkin' Mate a few years ago during a trip to China.

"Fred traveled to China on business and was going out with some government officials, and his partner made a concoction with some guava leaves that they drank before they went out for cocktails," Nelson explained. "The reason he did it was because his partner said they would be drinking a lot during the course of the evening while entertaining these officials. Drinking the guava [extract] not only allowed him to not feel the harsh after effects of the alcohol, but let him keep his wits about him throughout the evening."

Nelson said Wehling was so impressed that he then enlisted the help of Dr. Arnold S. Leonard, who investigated the interaction of guava and alcohol to validate Wehling's experience.

"Dr. Leonard studied the physiology of what the product did once it was in its effervescent form," Nelson said. "He does a lot of work with antioxidants and how they affect cancer treatments. He's extremely well versed in antioxidants and how they aid the body in fighting free-radical activity within your body."

After two years of research and development, Amerilab secured a patent for Drinkin' Mate in July 2007 while finalizing the packaging. The company began a soft launch in November and began test-marketing the product in five Midwestern states.

Nelson said a nationwide campaign is set to launch in May.

"There are plenty of treatment products on the market that help alleviate the symptoms of not feeling good the next day, but few that are as effective on the preventative side," he said. "Rather than wake up and take something for your hangover, why not take something preventatively before you drink and not have the negative residuals?"