Woodhull Announces Recipients of 2017 Vicki Sexual Freedom Award

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Woodhull Freedom Foundation has announced the recipients of its 2017 Vicki Sexual Freedom Awards, which recognizes individuals who have made landmark contributions to the sexual freedom movement. This year, Woodhull will honor two reproductive justice advocates for their commitment to sexual freedom as a fundamental human right: Loretta J. Ross and Dr. Willie J. Parker.

The Vicki Sexual Freedom Awards are named after Victoria Woodhull, the namesake of the Woodhull Freedom Foundation. Ms. Woodhull was an American suffragist born on September 23, 1838, who was described by Gilded Age newspapers as a leader of the American women's suffrage movement in the 19th century. She became a colorful and notorious symbol for women's rights, free love, and spiritualism as she fought against corruption and for labor reforms.

Loretta J. Ross  is one of the creators of the term "reproductive justice." Ms. Ross has a four-decade history in social justice activism. She has worked with SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective, the National Center for Human Rights Education, the Center for Democratic Renewal/National Anti-Klan Network and the National Organization for Women (NOW). She was one of the first African American women to direct a rape crisis center in the 1970s. To read more about Ms. Ross, click here.

Willie J. Parker, MD, MPH, MSc, is a reproductive justice advocate who travels as an abortion provider in Alabama and Georgia. Dr. Parker?s more recent work has focused on violence against women, sexual assault, and reproductive rights and justice through advocacy and provision of contraceptive and abortion services. Most notably Dr. Parker is a recipient of the 2013 Physicians for Reproductive Health Dr. George Tiller Provider Award, the 2015 Helen Rodriguez-Trias Social Justice Award and the 2016 Dr. Felicia Stewart Advocacy Award from the American Public Health Association, and the 2016 Dr. David Gunn Lifetime Achievement Award from the Abortion Care Network. To read more about Dr. Parker, click here.

"I am inspired every year by the people whose work to affirm sexual freedom as a human right we recognize with this award," said Ricci Levy, President and CEO of the Woodhull Freedom Foundation. "This year is no exception. Loretta Ross inspired me years ago when I first heard her insist that reproductive justice is a fundamental human right. When I learned about the work of Dr. Willie Parker whose courage and dedication in providing abortion services to women is legendary, I was so excited to be able to honor them together."

The 2017 Vicki Sexual Freedom Awards will be presented at a luncheon on Saturday, August 5, during the annual Sexual Freedom Summit at the Sheraton Pentagon City. 

For further information about the Sexual Freedom Summit or to purchase tickets for the Awards Luncheon, please visit SexualFreedomSummit.org or follow the conversation on social media with #SFS17.