Stormy Daniels Takes Down Her Haters on Twitter

CYBERSPACE—Just two days after slapping Donald Trump with a lawsuit over a “hush money” agreement that stops her from talking about the affair she allegedly had with Trump a decade ago, Stormy Daniels recorded an interview for the iconic CBS News program 60 Minutes—though what, specifically, Daniels discussed in the interview with correspondent Anderson Cooper, and when the interview will air, remains unknown.

But when she wasn’t talking to Cooper for the 60 Minutes broadcast, Daniels was spending her time on her Twitter account, lashing back in often hilarious fashion at Trump supporters who went online to insult and attack her.

Few of the Twitter trolls were able to match Daniels’ wit, often coming across as woefully inarticulate—as well as offensively misogynist. In fact, one troll late on Thursday simply tweeted one word at her: “Cunt.” 

To which Daniels replied, “That's Miss Cunt, to you!”

Another could do no better than the single word, “scank.” (sic) Daniels simply informed the troll, “The correct spelling is ‘skank.’”

Other trolls who attempted to take on Daniels were more loquacious. “your just a money hungry hooker this guy has been n office and n public eye for years but now that yr a broke u r going to try and cash n on a fake story NO ONE BELIEVES U STOP BEING A MONEY GRUBBING PROSTITUTE GO AWAY LOOSER NO ONE BELIEVES OR CARES” wrote one, jmjr0510 (all spelling and punctuation in original).

Here was how Daniels replied to that individual. 

But perhaps the most memorable attack came from a Twitter user with the handle “Deano,” who questioned why Trump would want to have an affair with Daniels “when he has Ivanka.” Daniels enjoyed that one so much that she captured a screenshot and posted it to her Twitter feed.

Of course, “Ivanka” is Trump’s daughter.

“I actually took a screenshot of my favorite troll a couple days ago,” Daniels said in her Instagram post about Deano’s tweet. “I laughed so hard I couldn't even respond. When someone can't even insult you correctly (you're all welcome. Enjoy)”

To see more of Daniels’ replies to her Twitter trolls, check out her Twitter feed.

But her Twitter feed hasn’t been only put-downs of Trump fans and other sexist trolls who attack her. She also offered comforting words to her own supporters.

“I got called whore a lot in high school,” wrote one, Susan of Carolina. “When I was by myself I would it really let it get me down and I still don't like being around those people. Stormy is funny and quick. I guess it makes me smile because she says the things I couldn't say.”

“Slut and whore are words used by people who feel threatened,” Daniels replied. “I find power in them.”