Sex Workers Ask Gov. Brown Not To Consider Nancy O’Malley For CA AG

SAN FRANCISCOThe Erotic Service Providers Union (ESPU), a union for sex workers, has written an open letter to California Governor Jerry Brown asking him not to consider Alameda County District Attorney Nancy O’Malley for CA State Attorney General, in the event that the current Attorney General, Kamala Harris, is elected to represent California as a US Senator this November.

The ESPU charges that O'Malley has built a political career on the backs of the most vulnerable people under the guise of being an advocate for women. According to the ESPU, the reality is that her actions, her closeness to police unions, and to East Bay nonprofits who directly benefit from her crusade against sex work, have greatly harmed young women, poor women, women of color, and trans women.

Among the examples ESPU has provided that show O'Malley's prejudice against sex workers are:

• She has filed criminal charges against underage women selling sex, despite the provisions allowing her not do so contained in the federal 2013 Violence Against Women Act, and now SB 1322.

• She has been painfully slow in investigating criminal misconduct of Oakland police officers charged with abusing an underage sex worker.

• She has shown cronyism in promoting agencies such as Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR), which are noted for civil and ethical rights violations.

• She has made very limited progress reducing the backlog of Alameda County rape kits.

“She would be an awful Attorney General. Her poor judgment has done a great disservice to the most vulnerable people of California,” said Maxine Doogan of ESPU. “As citizens of California, we ask Governor Jerry Brown to stand up for us and please do not include Nancy O’Malley on a list of candidates to be appointed as CA State Attorney General.”

Pictured: Nancy O'Malley