Le Shaw Institute Partners With The Cupcake Girls

LUXEMBOURG—Internation sexual health and wellness research outfit the Le Shaw Institute has entered a partnership with The Cupcake Girls, a nonprofit organization dedicated to sex workers and survivors of sex trafficking, to address systemic issues in the sex work industry. 

The Cupcake Girls offer essential resources and support services to assist individuals in need in navigating and overcoming challenges following traumatic experiences, or simply wishing to find safe resources as they continue with their careers in sex work. By partnering with The Cupcake Girls, Le Shaw will contribute its expertise in scientific research and focus on activism and community engagement to further the organization’s mission and help promote a more inclusive and respectful understanding of sex work. 

“The Cupcake Girls are making substantial contributions towards empowering sex workers and survivors of sex trafficking,” Le Shaw director Bobbi Bidochka said. “Our shared values and goals make this partnership a powerful step forward in addressing the systemic issues in the industry and promoting a sex-positive culture.” 

For more information, contact [email protected]