FSC to Host Q&As on PASS Testing and New Production Guidelines

LOS ANGELESThe Free Speech Coalition (FSC) will host an hour-long Question-and-Answer session on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 11:30 a.m. PT/2:30 p.m. ET to address concerns about new production guidelines and testing issues, including testing for coronavirus.

The Q&A sessions will be limited to 20 participants each day. To sign up, click here.

The organization also has updated its Frequently Asked Questions section on its website to coincide with the growing number of questions it’s receiving about the return of production and the reduced number of testing centers available after Talent Testing Service (TTS) withdrew from FSC's Performer Availability Screening Services (PASS) program last week.

In an open letter to the industry, FSC executive director Michelle L. LeBlanc wrote that the uncertainty about the new production guidelines and coronavirus testing recommendations, along with the departure of TTS, required needed updates to the FAQ section.

“To help clarify the current situation, we have updated the FAQ for PASS, adding more information about PASS certification, the PASS panel of STI tests, the Performer Subsidy Fund (PSF), and COVID-19 guidelines,” LeBlanc wrote. “The full updated FAQ can be found on FSCPASS.org.”

She added: “Protecting the adult industry is the mission of FSC and right now the most important aspect of that is our health and safety. Every decision we make and every action we take is in service to that mission and to you, as a member of this community.”

Some of the highlights from the updated FAQ page include:

Do I have to test for COVID-19 every 24 hours?

No. FSC’s Preliminary Health and Safety Guidelines for Adult Film Production recommend a COVID-19 PCR test 1-2 days prior to each shoot in order to reduce risk, but that timeline is not mandatory. Some companies and producers are requiring 24-hour tests, but others may not. We have few guarantees with COVID, so as a performer or producer, you will have to determine your tolerance for risk.

The guidelines have been developed by an industrial hygienist to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection and transmission on adult film production sets of all types. The document provides general guidance and suggested procedures but does not contain mandatory requirements regarding how the plan should be implemented nor how production must be done.

How much time do I need to allow after a shoot before retesting for COVID-19 for my next shoot?

FSC’s Preliminary Health and Safety Guidelines for Adult Film Production do not make a recommendation for how much time to wait after a shoot before retesting for COVID-19. However, if you are testing every 1-2 days, you will likely need at least one day off between shoots in order to have time to get a new test. The more time you can allow between shoots, the better.

Do I have to get a COVID-19 test from a PASS Certified lab?

No. You can get a COVID-19 test anywhere the PCR test is available. However, the results of your COVID-19 test will only appear in PASS if you receive your test from a PASS Certified lab.

If you choose to get a COVID-19 test at a lab unaffiliated with PASS:

1. Ensure that they are using a PCR test.

2. Use discretion in verifying test results. Many laboratories use secure portals to display results, try to use these over paper test results or a screenshot.

Performers can choose to get their COVID-19 test at a PASS Certified Lab, or from another more convenient provider. Crew members can choose to get their COVID-19 test anywhere.

What do I do if the testing facility I use is no longer PASS Certified?

If you have been testing regularly with a provider who is no longer PASS Certified, the safest option to choose is to find a provider who is PASS Certified. We are in discussions with a new national network to help fill the regional void.

If there are no PASS Certified providers near you, and you can not hold off on work, you could potentially test at a lab outside the PASS system that uses the same tests as PASS. We do not recommend this option, but we understand the need for it during this transitional time.

Choosing to test outside of PASS compromises your safety and that of the industry in the following ways:

• As a central body, PASS is the only authority capable of managing production holds, which are a necessary prevention tool. We have no assurance that outside labs would alert FSC in the case of a potential positive test, either for COVID or HIV. Nor do we have assurance that they would participate in contact tracing in the event of a positive.
• PASS Certified labs all require the same standardized tests.
• The Performer Subsidy Fund (PSF) is only available to those who test within PASS.
• Outside labs are not held accountable by the industry to the same level as PASS Certified labs.
• PASS does not generate revenue and is not funded by a single entity outside of FSC. Unlike outside networks, the policies and procedures that govern PASS are not driven by a profit motive. PASS exists only to protect the health safety of its members.

If you choose to test outside of PASS, to be as safe as possible, do the following:

• Ensure that you are receiving the full PASS panel of nine STI tests from a CLIA-certified lab. [See the full FAQ on FSCPASS.org for a list of all tests.]
• Do not share your results via screenshot or print-out, or accept someone else’s results in that manner. Whenever possible log in to the provider portal to view test results.
• If you receive a positive test, please consider informing PASS so that we can aid in contact tracing for the industry and take steps to call a production hold if necessary.

Are you adding more PASS Certified lab networks?

FSC is currently vetting additional providers for the FSC PASS network. We are prioritizing those with national lab networks in order to increase the number of PASS Certified testing facilities available to serve members of the adult industry located outside the main hubs of production.

How do I contact you if I am still having issues with PASS?

Please contact FSC PASS (818) 348-9373 or [email protected].