BurningAngel Incurs Cal/OSHA Fine for Shooting Sans Condoms

LOS ANGELES—The California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) has issued a fine against BurningAngel Entertainment for four violations of shooting adult content without the use of condoms, according to a report by the Los Angeles Daily News.

Based upon an inspection conducted in April at a San Fernando Valley shooting location, the citation saddled BurningAngel with a total penalty of $32,400.

This news comes as the Cal/OSHA Standards Board is meeting in Walnut Creek, Calif., to discuss separate petitions filed by the Free Speech Coaltion (FSC) and AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) regarding proposed changes to the language of California Health Code Section 5193, the section involving workplace exposure to bloodborne pathogens that lies at the heart of the ongoing battle over mandatory condom use in porn, which will be brought before California voters this November in the form of Proposition 60.

It is unclear whether AHF was behind the original complaint filed with Cal/OSHA against BurningAngel, but spokesperson Rick Taylor of the AHF-backed "Yes on Prop 60" campaign stated, "This case is just further evidence of how arrogant and reckless the adult film industry is and how important it is to give Cal/OSHA the tools to effectively regulate an industry that widely refuses to protect workers from sexually transmitted diseases. Unfortunately, the condom rule is routinely violated by producers who harass, intimidate and blacklist performers who want to use condoms to protect themselves. This is not about freedom of expression and life-style choices. This is about worker exploitation."

Countered FSC in its own statement, "AHF says Proposition 60 won't go after performers, and at the very same time they announce a Cal/OSHA complaint, initiated by them, against one of the most outspoken female performers in the industry. [BurningAngel founder] Joanna Angel has built a company around her vision of sex and sexuality. She's spoken out about consent, and performer's rights, and produces, directs and stars in her own films. She's proud of the business she's built."

For her part, Angel offered the following statement, only partially published by the Daily News: "This has been an issue I have been dealing with for the past few months and have done my best to keep it out of the press/social media. I like to use my connections with media to inform my fans and admirers about new releases and projects I have going on, along with my appearances, giving people sex advice and some original quirky insight on my life. Thank you [AHF president] Michael Weinstein for bringing this shit-storm forward. I appreciate it. Dealing with this is truly a great use of my time.

"In addition to the financial loss I have impending, this citation has been incredibly tedious and tiresome, and incredibly straining for a small business like mine to deal with. However, I will not let Michael Weinstein's petty issues with the porn industry stop me from creating the art that I love; and I will not let him end the niche I have worked so hard to carve. My lawyer and I will deal with this and not let down my fans, my followers or any of the amazing talent in this industry."