Brothel Owner Hof Running for Nevada Assembly

CARSON CITY, Nev.—After Nevada voters decide later today that they'll send Catherine Cortez-Masto to Washington to fill retiring Sen. Harry Reid's seat, if they live in Assembly District 36, they might want to pay close attention to who's running for that district's assembly seat. One prominent name is sure to leap out at them: Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch, the Libertarian Party candidate—and his campaign even caught the attention of the Newsweek-owned site The Daily Beast.

Hof, whose home was recently destroyed by a raging wildfire, lives in the sparsely populated Nye County, the third largest county in the nation, where according to Beast reporter John L. Smith, "the only good Democrat is one generally seen accelerating at high speed out of" it.

Hof is running against the incumbent Republican, James Oscarson, who's managed to amass a war chest of over $250,000, most of it donated from Las Vegas casino owners (read: Sheldon Adelson and peers), while Hof has self-funded his own campaign to the tune of about $55,000, which he used to "litter the landscape with signs and fill mailboxes with mailers calling Oscarson 'The Big Selloutski' who 'broke his promise to Nevada taxpayers!'" by voting for a billion-dollar tax increase, which action Smith attributes to the Republican's "real weak spot for children" because he was "tired of seeing the state ranked 49th in public education funding."

Smith is clearly no fan of Hof's, and the article is full of small digs against the candidate, stating things like, "Hof, of course, isn’t buying any of that tug-at-the heart strings stuff," and dredging up campaigns past with a recollection of the first brothel-owning politician.

"Hof’s candidacy has been downright understated compared to past efforts," Smith wrote, "most famously the 1978 legislative run of Cottontail Ranch madam Beverly Harrell, who crisscrossed her rural district in an RV and grabbed national press news with such winking one-liners as 'I’ll show them how to run an orderly house.'"

Smith continues his lack of Hof fandom by stating in the article, "Hof assures skeptics he’s a legitimate businessman, taxpayer, and someone who knows how to combat sex trafficking—by legalizing it." Of course, Hof would do nothing of the sort: Legal prostitution, which Hof supports and is his business, is a far cry from sex trafficking, which is and likely always will be illegal, and which would put Hof behind bars quickly if he were to engage in it.

But Hof's proud of his profession: "I run a licensed business in Nevada, but all of a sudden I’m being called a pimp," Smith quotes Hof as saying. "Well, who better to handle the political whores in Carson City? ... Legalized prostitution is a real clean, nice business, and politics is a dirty, disgusting business, and the people that are in it can’t be trusted. The bottom line is, it’s pay to play."

Nevadans will know later tonight whether Hof's measly $55K is enough "pay" to best the better-funded Oscarson—but if it is, the Nevada legislature is due for quite a shake-up when it next meets.