Woman Booked for Watching Porn, Masturbating While Driving

CINCINNATI, Ohio—The Smoking Gun called it an “Auto Erotic Crime”—the headline winner of the week. A 36-year-old woman from Cincinnati was pulled over for having overly tinted windows.

After finding that there was an outstanding “failure to appear” warrants for the woman, who was driving but had a passenger, she was asked to exit the vehicle and placed under arrest. A search of the vehicle revealed a broken crack pipe, but the officers also noticed that the woman's pants were unbuttoned and there had been a vibrator in her lap.

“She advised that she had been using it while watching a video on the computer the passenger was holding,” the police report read.

The woman was charged with “driving with impaired altertness,” a misdemeanor, and also possession of drug paraphernalia.

The case illustrates something.