Wingers Bent Out of Shape By New Carl's Jr. Burger Ad

TELEVISIONLAND—We know it might be hard to believe, but some Americans haven't yet caught onto the idea that it's now the 21st century, people (at least the younger ones) are becoming more open about their sexuality—and advertisers are ready to take note (and advantage) of that!

Take Carl's Jr./Hardee's, the sister burger chain that has produced ads, as noted by—a website devoted to "exposing and combating liberal media bias"—in which "Paris Hilton seductively 'washed' a car while advertising the spicy BBQ burger, and another model took off her bikini top while selling the cod fish burger. Kate Upton got turned on by the Southwest Patty Melt, writhing around in a convertible and visibly sweating while taking bites out of the burger. That ad actually got banned from airing during the 2012 Super Bowl."

But it's the company's most recent ad that's gotten them all atitter, er, atwitter yet again, perhaps because the commercial is available in two versions: a 41-second one that's been running on TV stations across the country, and another, the "Fantasty Director's Cut" running just over a minute and available on YouTube.

But we won't leave readers in suspense: The ad is for the new "Bacon 3-Way Burger," and as NewsBusters tells it, "The only thing that sells better than bacon is sex, but the restaurant took that to another level with their Three-Way 'Fantasy.' [sic] The provocative ad spot features former Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Genevieve Morton, along with social media babes Emily Sears and Elena Belle. The women, clad only in white string bikinis, make grilling a greasy fast food burger actually look seductive. The sultry trio cook bacon strips, spoon bacon jam, and dice bacon crumbles, while rapper Dirt Nasty’s Threesome plays in the background. The girls sensually feed each other bacon pieces and spoonfuls of jam on the lyrics 'she’s givin' her some, they givin' me some' and look seductively at each other as the rapper sings 'we havin’ us a threesome.'"

The ad was created by the L.A.- and Amsterdam-based ad agency 72andSunny, and Carl's Jr./Hardee's parent company CEO Andrew Puzder couldn't be happier about it.

"It's an appeal to youth, so it really reaches a broad demographic," Puzder told last year, speaking of a previous sexy burger ad. "My son's now 17, but when he was 13 he didn't want to eat at 'the king' [or] 'the clown,' he wanted to eat where his brother ate, so he wanted to be a young hungry guy ... I like our ads. I like beautiful women eating burgers in bikinis. I think it’s very American. I used to hear, brands take on the personality of the CEO. And I rarely thought that was true, but I think this one, in this case, it kind of did take on my personality."

All we know is, it's certainly made mainstream TV viewing a lot less boring.

Pictured: A screen capture from the Bacon 3-Way Burger "Fantasty" Director's Cut.