Why the Rushed March 2013 Hearing for Accused Killer Magnotta?

CANADA—Canada, slow down, you move too fast, you've got to make the murder investigation last! But no, instead of leaving plenty of time to lay the necessary groundwork for the case against accused murderer and dismemberer Luka Magnotta, you go and schedule a preliminary hearing for March 2013.

But it's already June 2012! What's the rush? Leaving only 10 months in between the extradition of Magnotta back to Canada and the first time he is seen in a courtroom could be seen as a travesty. Justice delayed, as they say.

South of the border, we don't rush things quite as much. Just ask the prisoners in Guantanamo. Most of them may never see an actual courtroom. Now that's justice, American style.

At this pace, a trial and verdict for Magnotta may only take a few years, maybe a decade. Which, let's face it, is an inexcusable rush to judgment.

Slow down, Canada. The rest of us need to catch up.