Why Aren't Presidential and Other Candidates Asked About Sex?

PALO ALTO, Calif.—With the primary season drawing to an end, family therapist and acclaimed author Dr. Marty Klein has noticed that if there's one thing that none of the presidential candidates have been asked to comment on, it's sex in all its related forms: pornography, STDs, sexting, penis size (oh, wait...), the "birds and the bees," etcetera.

So Klein has come up with a series of questions that journalists and others may wish to ask whomever the major political parties' nominees turn out to be regarding their attitudes about sex, a topic that will affect the profitability if not the very existence of the adult entertainment industry, and will have other major societal implications as well.

Some of the questions that Klein proposes:

• Will you encourage states to have a humane policy about sexting by minors? Especially if a state has an age of consent under 18 (half the states do)—so that people who can have sex legally can’t be prosecuted for taking nude selfies?

• Will you make sure that there’s enough funding so that anyone can get tested for an STI or potential pregnancy confidentially and anonymously within a two-hour bus ride from their place of residence?

• Will you encourage Congress to pass a law requiring all sex education to be medically accurate? After all, we expect geography and chemistry curricula to be accurate.

• Will you challenge state attorneys general to require local communities to prove they have a good reason to shut down strip clubs, swing clubs, and sex toy stores? Will you instruct the Department of Justice to examine the legality of cities inventing a Sexually Oriented Business category to create punitive zoning and taxation policies? Taxing a strip club differently than the ballet is clearly unconstitutional.

* When consulting religious figures about policies involving so-called morality issues—such as pornography, unwed pregnancies, taxes on condoms—will you consult representatives of the atheist/humanist community? (And will you promise never to say, on behalf of our nation, “Our prayers go out to the victims and their families”?)

The full list of questions Klein would like asked of the candidates can be found here.