Sheri’s Brothel Using Twitter To Increase Customer Base, Profits

PAHRUMP, Nev.—It’s oldest profession meets modern-day technology: Sheri’s Ranch, a legal brothel 65 miles form the Las Vegas Strip, is utilizing Twitter to attract new clients, connect with exiting customers and hopefully increase their bottom line.

In a piece by news website Fusion, brothel madam Dena explained that she has incorporated social media into not only creating and growing the business’ brand, but also encouraging the “independent contractors” (read: prostitutes) who work there to grow their own brand with the personal interaction.

The piece explains that Sheri’s Ranch is using Twitter and other social media as a “loophole”: while brothels are legal to operate and work at in portions of Nevada, its not legal to advertise them on billboards or other traditional means of marketing. 

“I think the girls have more of a voice to connect with customers, and I think we’re more connected now than we ever were,” Dena, said during the interview. “[The women] are building their own brand and they’re marketing themselves, they’re building a customer base, and followers that follow them. They’re bringing those customers and those followers to the ranch, so it’s a win-win both ways.”

Several of the workers explained in the article and accompanying video that using various social media platforms allows customers to see them as more than just a photo on the brothel’s website.

“We are offering them a little look into our lives, what we do here and the little moments that they miss when they aren’t here,” one of the girls, Alyssa, said during the interview.

To read the entire piece, visit