Needed: An American Sex Party

PASADENA, Calif.—One of the features of the 2016 Politicon's "trade show" (for want of a better term), held at the Pasadena Convention Center this past weekend, was the several booths advocating that the U.S. develop a political system that involves more than the currently-accepted two party dominance. Though the vast majority of political panels were easily identifiable as pro- or neutral-Democrat or pro- or neutral-Republican, Libertarians were well-represented at the trade show and in the halls—but pretty much no other political party (like the Greens, for instance) made an obvious appearance.

So perhaps the U.S. needs to look a bit further south for a solution—like Australia's Sex Party, which recently released a campaign video that's only gotten about 83,000 views so far, but as the political season progresses, that number will likely increase at least ten-fold. It's a musical set to the tune of The Candyman Can, called The Vatican Can, and as the screen shot (above) from the video suggests, even in Australia, religion plays too big a role in politics—and not for the better.

The Australian election is about a week away, and the Sex Party's platform, under the heading "We Give A F**K About," is one that most members of the adult entertainment industry (and many of its fans) would agree with: safe schools, stopping animal cruelty, LGBTIQ rights, right to die with dignity, inclusive sex education, getting churches to pay their fair share of taxes, and "your right to have a safe and good time," which is about drug law reform.

One can only wonder what's in store for America's political parties, what with many Republicans ready to ignore their constituents' primary voting and maybe choose someone other than Trump as their candidate, while on the other side, an awful lot of Sanders supporters disillusioned by the "partyarchs'" choice of Clinton as a nominee, thus leaving progressives out in the cold.

But mostly, America really needs a Sex Party—and maybe, by 2020, we'll have one.