Navy Doctor Guilty in Sex Tape Scandal

WASHINGTON D.C. – A military jury found a Navy doctor guilty of secretly videotaping academy midshipmen engaged in sex acts.

According to a recent report, Cmdr. Kevin Ronan was found guilty of seven counts of conduct unbecoming of an officer, three counts of illegal wiretapping and one count of obstruction of justice.

Ronan hid the camera in an air purifier to tape the midshipmen having sex or masturbating while they stayed in guest bedrooms at his Annapolis home.

Ronan testified that the hidden camera was a precautionary device to make sure the students — who were staying at his house as part of an academy program that places them in private residence during their free time — didn't throw parties while he was away.

The recordings were discovered in January by a midshipman and a former student.

According to the Associated Press, the jury will now consider a sentence ranging from no formal punishment to more than 27 years in the brig. Ronan also faces dismissal from the Navy.