Interactive Life Forms Files Patent Suit Against Blewit

AUSTIN, Texas—Interactive Life Forms, parent company of pleasure products giant Fleshlight, has filed a lawsuit against Blewit, a new manufacturer of male masturbators, alleging patent infringement.

The suit alleges the Houston-based Blewit has infringed upon ILF's intellectual property rights, specifically U.S. Patent No. 5,807,360, also known as the '360 patent. 

The title of the patent is a "Device for Discreet sperm collection," according to court documents.

The complaint, filed in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas Austin Division, seeks to stop Blewit from continuing its present activities as well as monetary damages. Blewit unveiled its first product in 2014.

The Fleshlight was first commercialized in 1997 and by 2011 had sold four million units—and to date more than 8 million products have been sold, according to ILF's filing.

The suit indicates CT Schenk, the founder and CEO of Blewit, served as the affiliate manager at Strategeon, a company affiliated with the ILF in the sale of Fleshlight products from 2005 to approximately 2008.

The complaint further alleges Schenk and Blewit had full knowledge of the ‘360 patent and ILF’s patented technology due to his close working relationship with ILF from 2005-2008, and such relationship is circumstantial evidence that the infringing products were copied from the Fleshlight products. 

"I respect Fleshlight’s position and their history as a market leader," Schenk told AVN. "However, Blewit was designed with a non-removable sleeve, and other distinctive features which make Blewit not infringing of Fleshlight’s patent, which expires in a mere number of months.

"I stand behind my company and product, and our mission to confront harmful stereotypes and spark a much larger conversation about masturbation and sexual health."

Fleshlight had no further comment at post time.