Hustler Europe Challenges German Porn Law

KARLSRUHE, Germany - Hustler Europe has filed a constitutional complaint against a new German law that appears to make Barely Legal definitely illegal.

Effective today, section §184c of the German criminal code forbids "the commercial distribution and sale of pornography with adult actors who show a youthful appearance."

"The German legislator is attempting to intervene in our constitutional rights," said Helen Clyne, manager of Hustler Europe. "In the tradition of Larry Flynt, we are hoping to defend ourselves against the further criminalization of pornography."

Hustler Europe says the legislation interferes with "freedom of opinion, occupational freedom and property freedom." The complaint asks the German government to strike down the penalty for use of "youthful-looking performers."

"The Federal Constitutional Court will have to check whether §184c violates the constitutionally guaranteed freedom rights," said Marko Dörre, attorney of Hustler Europe. "We demand clear regulations for more legal certainty."

Hustler Europe has applied by interim measure to invalidate the law until a final decision is made about the constitutional complaint. The company notes that "Hustler Europe and [parent company] Larry Flynt Publications pay strict attention to age proofs for all of their performers and store these in archives according to the U.S. laws."