Hey, Industry Members! Looking For An Exciting Day Job?

Dear Supporter Porn Star (Or, Really, Anyone In The Adult Industry),

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Do you want to help eradicate sexual exploitation in all its forms? Do you want to defend the dignity of all children, women, and men? Do want to put your skills and life to work in ways that make a difference in the lives of others and create a better world? If so, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) invites you to become part of the movement to end sexual exploitation through our Sexual Justice Advocate (SJA) Internship Program or by joining our team full-time through some of our current open positions.

NCOSE works to expose and combat the full spectrum of sexual exploitation (i.e. pornography, prostitution, stripping, sexual trafficking, child sexual abuse, sexual assault and rape), while emphasizing pornography’s central role in fueling other forms of sexual abuse. We believe pornography is the cornerstone of sexual exploitation, and recognize that its harmful effects are creating a public health crisis that poses serious threats to society. Pornography encourages sexualization of children, child sexual abuse, sexual assault and violence against women, sex addiction, distorted perceptions of sexuality, dangerous sexual practices, and fuels demand for sexually trafficked women and children.

Please share these opportunities with any you think would be a good fit!

Full-Time Position for Marketing & Development Copywriter

Full-Time Position for Executive Assistant to President/CEO & Vice-President

Full-Time Position for Development Coordinator & Grant Writer

Sexual Justice Advocate Interns

Good luck! (You'll need it!)