Free Speech Coalition Open For Business at ANME

CANOGA PARK, Calif.—Free Speech Coalition (FSC) kicks off 2016 with a booth at the Adult Novelty Manufacturers Expo (ANME), to be held at the Burbank Airport Marriott, January 11-12.

“It’s the start of a new year—and a very important year—for FSC and the industry,” said Membership Director Joanne Cachapero. “We’ll be at ANME to help keep attendees informed on proposed Cal/OSHA condom regulations and AHF’s statewide ballot measure, and how they may affect adult retailers and distributors. People need to know there’s a lot at stake. These laws, if passed, will have a far-reaching and negative effect on the industry as a whole.”

“We’ll also be touching base with our loyal members and reaching out to non-members, to update everyone on FSC,” Cachapero added.

FSC Board VP Larry Garland, founder/owner of Eldorado Trading Co., will be available during scheduled times at the booth, where show attendees also can get information on other important topics, ask questions, and sign up to become new FSC members.

“And, as always, FSC would like to thank the Founders-ANME Expo for their generosity and support year after year,” Cachapero said. “The show is an excellent opportunity to meet with the pleasure product community.”

For more information about FSC, please, visit or reach FSC at [email protected].

The Free Speech Coalition is the national trade organization of the adult entertainment industry. It's the reason adult content is not specially taxed, the reason young-looking adults can appear in hardcore content, and the reason drawings and animation that don't use real children are no longer considered "child pornography," among other successes.