Former Italian Adult Performer Found Dismembered in Lake

LAKE GARDA, Italy—A retired Italian female adult performer who went missing in February was apparently the victim of a murderous boyfriend who killed the model and then placed her dismembered body in a suitcase that was then thrown into Lake Garda, the largest lake in Italy, half-way between Brescia and Verona.

According to the Independent Malta, "Federica Giacomini, 43, was reported missing five months ago and her mobile phone and bank account have remained untouched ever since. Police divers recovered the trunk after a tip off and it was brought to the surface from a depth of 100m—inside, the body was wrapped in cellophane and [duct] tape." [Ed. - Our apologies for not catching the misspelling sooner!]

The article continues, "Federica used the screen name Ginevra Hollander, and had appeared in 16 pornographic films in a three-year career but had retired from the business in 2008. Police have been questioning her former partner Franco Mossoni, 55, since February after he burst into a hospital in Vicenza dressed as Rambo and waving a pistol.

"He has been detained in a secure psychiatric unit and a search of his house uncovered clubs, knives, as well as clothing and personal documents belonging to Federica," it added. "Mossoni was only recently released from jail after being convicted of the murder of a plumber in 1978 after an argument over a woman."

Image: Ginevra Hollander in a undated photo.