ESPLERP: Thank You, Amnesty

SAN FRANCISCO—The Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project (ESPLERP) today commended Amnesty International for passing a resolution that supports the full decriminalization of all aspects of consensual sex work. The policy will also call on states to ensure that sex workers enjoy full and equal legal protection from exploitation, trafficking and violence.

Maxine Doogan, President of ESPLERP said, “We join with sex worker organizations worldwide in welcoming Amnesty’s policy initiative. We are pursuing decriminalization through our ongoing case in US District Court that claims that California's current anti-prostitution statute is unconstitutional. And we feel we have an excellent chance of a positive outcome through the courts. But support for decriminalization from a reputable body like Amnesty very much strengthens our position in the court of public opinion.”

“We appreciate Amnesty joining the World Health Organization, The Lancet, Human Rights Watch, the UN Global Commission on HIV and the Law, and others in supporting full decriminalization of prostitution,” said Sol Finer of SWOP Seattle. “This is a human rights issue and we commend Amnesty doing the research necessary to make an informed decision that offers the best protection for all sex workers.”

ESPLERP have started a Care2 petition to thank Amnesty for modeling moral courage to include sex workers and our larger communities under the human rights umbrella. The petition can be found here.

The Erotic Service Providers Legal, Education and Research Project (ESPLERP) is a grassroots organization advancing sexual privacy rights through legal advocacy. It brought suit in March on behalf of several women and a man in U.S. District Court on the grounds that 647(b) of the state Penal Code, which criminalizes consensual sex work, violates fundamental Constitutional rights. Individuals can support that lawsuit here

Sex Workers Outreach Project-USA (SWOP­USA) is a national social justice network of dedicated to the fundamental human rights of sex workers and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy. SWOP Seattle is a local chapter of SWOP­USA based in Seattle, Washington.