Dancer Files Class Action Suit Against Hustler Club

SAN FRANCISCO—One of the longest running battles in the adult cabaret industry is whether dancers at clubs are employees or independent contractors, and a canon of law has developed which sets forth some criteria by which a dancer's status at a club may be determined.

The latest entry in that battle is one Nicole Hughes, reportedly a dancer at the Hustler Club located at 1031 Kearny St., San Francisco. On Thursday, June 16, Hughes filed a class action lawsuit against S.A.W. Entertainment Ltd., which does business as Larry Flynt's Hustler Club, charging that she and other dancers similarly positioned were classified as independent contractors when they should have been considered employees of the club—and paid the state's minimum wage for all hours worked. Hughes stated that S.A.W. also failed to provide them with itemized wage statements.

Hughes also charged that while she was employed at the club between July 2014 and September 2015, she and the other dancers in fact received no wages, but were expected to be paid through tips from patrons and other gratuities—and that they were required to pay "house fees" of between $40 and $60 per shift, and were fined if they missed scheduled shifts.

AVN attempted to reach out to S.A.W. Entertainment for comment, but no one was available to do so at press time.