'Cake Porn' Finally Does In NYC Priest

NEW YORK CITY—At AVN, we hear about (and occasionally see) many, many forms of fetish, and as far as sexual excitement goes, sitting on (and squashing) cake isn't really near the top of our list of turn-ons—but "to each his/her own," we always say.

Unfortunately, not everyone feels that way—most notably Bishop Andonios Paropoulos, the chancellor of the Greek Orthodox Church in the United States—but the story is a bit more complicated than that.

Seems that Tom Bouzalas hired a private investigator to tail his wife, Ethel Bouzalas, who then was serving as the school principal of the St. Spyridon Church parochial school in Washington Heights, a section of upper Manhattan. What the investigator found was that Mrs. Bouzalas was having an affair with the Greek Orthodox priest who presided over St. Spyridon, Fr. George Passias—and had gotten her pregnant.

While it's unclear how long the affair had been going on, Ethel had been Fr. P's office assistant since 2006, and when she was about to marry Mr. B, the priest allegedly aided in her conversion to Greek Orthodoxy by baptizing her—in her bikini. Shortly after Ethel began her affair with the priest, she was promoted to principal of the church school, despite the fact that she had no background nor degree in education. The promotion might have had something to do with the fact that Ethel "favored short skirts and high heels," according to a story in the New York Post. Passias also made her the church treasurer, and a signatory on the church's bank accounts.

But thanks to, as Passias put it, a group of "evil-minded" parishioners, Passias' affair with Mrs. Bouzalas was reported in the Post in 2013, though no action was taken on the violation until last week, when Bishop Andonios (as he's referred to) finally brought the misconduct before a "Spiritual Court of the First Degree," comprised of church elders and the bishop, which will review the evidence. Punishment, however, which could include defrocking, will be a decision of the church hierarchy in Istanbul.

Part of that evidence will include a series of videos which investigators downloaded from Fr. Passias' office computer. According to the Post, one video shows "the bearded cleric, wearing only a white T-shirt, watch[ing] his long-haired brunette lover plant her thong-clad bottom on a piece of banana bread wrapped in cellophane. Bouzalas, wearing stiletto heels, oddly wiggles on the loaf until it is flattened... In another video clip, the pretty Peruvian rubs her feet on the priest’s face as they lie under a mirrored ceiling and she records his ecstasy at the encounter. In another tape, the priest performs oral sex on his lover while she is still clad in sheer pantyhose."

What's particularly poignant about that description is how it contrasts with Passias' attitude toward his non-Bouzalas parishioners. In public, Passias was known for wearing "flowing black robes and oversized cross around his neck," and had "immediately ordered female worshippers to cover their heads during confession" when he took over the congregation.

As things stand now, Passias has resigned from his congregation, telling his congregation in an email that he was  leaving for "personal and health reasons," having confessed to "multitudinous sins and shortcomings"—and Mrs. Bouzalas has been fired from her principal's job.

Hmmm ... wonder how long it'll be before Mrs. B receives an offer from a porn company to do hardcore?

Pictured: A captioned screen capture of one of Fr. Passias' videos featuring Mrs. Bouzalas.