Attention Porn Stars: LV Cops Are Worried About Your Virginity

LAS VEGAS—While the rumors of a mass adult industry exodus to Las Vegas continue to circulate widely, and while politicians in "Sin City" have given their tacit approval to such a migration, news has surfaced that not everyone involved in Vegas government may be on board with the idea.

According to a report in the Las Vegas Sun, an organization within the city's Metro Police had co-sponsored, with Victory Outreach Church, an event last Saturday at the William Pearson Center in the northern part of the city dubbed "Choose Purity," which, according to Nevada Black Police Association president Regina Coward, is aimed at "show[ing] young girls what can happen when they don’t wait until marriage to have sex."

As part of the "Choose Purity" presentation, kids and their parents were "treated" to videos of (alleged) pimps and prostitutes stating that "modern-day slavery exists in the form of the sex trade" and also anti-drug-use videos featuring "a woman who’d lost limbs in a methamphetamine lab explosion and a man who’d had his face partially gnawed off by a meth user." They also saw "dramatic performances" by two girls, one of whom played a teen who had supposedly died from abusing diet pills, while the other "met her death" from STDs contracted while she was a prostitute.

Leaving aside the propriety of an official metropolitan police organization partnering with a fundamentalist church to promote a religious view of teens' sexuality (Victory Outreach's mission statement includes the advisory, "Purity pledges are an important component of the youths ministries. Teens make a commitment to remain sexually pure. Surprisingly, even youth who have been sexually active in the past, readily renew their position to abstain until marriage."), the majority of teachers who deal with sex education in schools think such events are harmful to children.

"Drugs are real; sex trafficking is real. I don’t know what is real about linking purity with those things." said Laura Deitsch, whose career included teaching comprehensive sex education in the juvenile justice system, charter schools and community centers. "It was a hodgepodge of unrelated fear-mongering."

Indeed, according to a meta-study conducted by the Guttmacher Institute using statistics from the U.S. government's National Survey of Family Growth, nearly 95 percent of the 40,000 people aged 15-44 who were surveyed in just 2002 (the last year for which figures were available) admitted that they had had sexual intercourse before marriage—and they had it before age 30. Not only that, but the age of first intercourse has been getting younger, with the median age for the 55-to-64-year-old crowd being 20.4 years old, while the median age for the 15-to-24-year-olds was 17.6.

According to Coward, Metro Police didn't put any money into the event, and the choice to join the crusade may have been Coward's alone "because she became pregnant at 16 and wonders whether her life might had been different had she been taught she could say, 'No'," according to the Sun article.

Fortunately, the "Choose Purity" event wasn't as creepy as the various "Purity Balls" that take place in highly religious areas throughout the country, where "girls make a pledge to 'remain pure and live pure lives before God,' to stay sexually abstinent until marriage [and] their fathers sign a commitment undertaking to protect their daughter’s purity."

In any case, the event was unlikely to accomplish its stated mission, since  "[r]esearch out of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has shown teens who take virginity pledges are just as likely to have sex as teens who don’t promise to wait, but they are less likely to practice safe sex."

Here's hoping they take the message that "May is Masturbation Month" seriously!