A Cartoon Breast! On TV!! Call Out the Militia!!!

LALA-LAND—Get set for the onslaught! It seems that on March 5, the Nickelodeon TV Network showed an episode of the cartoon series Oggy and the Cockroaches, about a blue-tinted cat, Oggy, who'd rather spend his days cleaning house, eating and watching TV—except that there are three cockroaches living in the same house, whose sole purpose in life seems to be making Oggy's life miserable. The cartoon is drawn in France—which might explain why what's not so big a deal for them might be a big deal for Certain Groups in the U.S. (We're looking at you, Parents Television Council!)

See, in the episode broadcast on March 5, titled "(Un)happy Camper," there's a shot of Oggy walking into his trailer by slamming open the front door—and for about three seconds, viewers can see a cartoon "photograph" mounted just next to the doorway, depicting a woman with large, upthrust breasts and big nipples—until that's hidden by the door Oggy has just thrust aside, never to be shown again—and Nickelodeon aims to make sure of that!

But according to TMZ.com, which also posted a 30-second clip of the show, some young kid who was watching the episode noticed the bare cartoon tits and apparently told his dad, which made dad "extremely unhappy" because he "was forced to have a female anatomy talk with his 8-year-old son."

The horror! The horror! (Apologies to Joseph Conrad.)

So now, Nickelodeon has pulled the episode both from syndication and from its own website—and, we're fairly certain, hopes the whole controversy will die a quick death.

So fire up the indignation, American Family Association, One Million Moms, Media Research Center, Family Research Council and PTC: The sex education (or lack therof) of American children is at stake! (You can also complain about how much money the federal government spends supporting the arts, and why all that should be cut from the budget over this incident.)

Pictured: The object of the indignation.