Lawson James Named September SayUncle AllStar

MIAMI—SayUncle announces that Lawson James has been honored as SayUncle's AllStar for September. Along with the title, he stars in an all new scene inspired by the popular TV series The Walking Dead.

In the scene, "Sweet Remedy," James takes on the lead role alongside Dakota Lovell. The story unfolds as Sheriff Lovell faces a challenging situation after locking up the scoundrel James. The twist is that Lovell has contracted the wildfire virus, and James' immunity holds the key to his survival. However, to ensure results, James tells Lovell that immunity can only be passed on with his cum. 

After the scene wraps up, James candidly shares during an interview all his insights about his background, where he's from, and his journey into the adult entertainment industry.

“I worked in porn for 10 years but not actually doing porn,” he explained. “That’s where I got my start in graphic and web design. But, I’ve been performing in porn for almost three years now. I’ve always wanted to get into porn since I was a kid. My favorite part about being in this industry is when people tell me they love my work, it makes me happy to know people enjoy watching what I do.” is currently offering 33 percent off new subscriptions.

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