Director Dink Flamingo Returns to

CHATSWORTH, Calif.—Military fetish site Active Duty has announced the return of Dink Flamingo as a producer and director for the site. 

Flamingo created Active Duty in 1998 as a passion project to showcase his love of military men. Dink recruited, produced and directed Active Duty movies for 17 years before selling the site to Next Door Entertainment in 2014.

“Lately I started reminiscing about my days at Active Duty and I wanted to get back in the action and behind the camera,” Flamingo said. “I reached out to the crew at Active Duty and offered to share some of my most recent recruits. It’s been great filming again and I know Active Duty fans will be excited with the guys I’ll be introducing in the coming months.”

Flamingo’s first recruit, sandy-haired Sebastian Woods, was introduced on Active Duty May 26 and will return in his first harcore scene on July 11. He’ll be paired with a familiar performer Jaxon, who’s returning to Active Duty for the first time since 2015. 

“We were excited when Dink reached out to us about returning to Active Duty,” said executive producer Jeremy Babcock. “Members love him and have expressed for years how much they would love to have Dink back. He has the magic touch for recruiting military guys and allowing them to feel comfortable exploring their sexuality on camera.”

“My mission when I started Active Duty was to create a safe place where real military men could explore their sexual fantasies without the reality of the hypermasculine constraints of their daily life while simultaneously turning what was once only fantasy for those who loved, admired and lusted after them into reality,” Flamingo said. “Looking back, I really feel I accomplished that mission.  Now, without the headaches and stress of ownership I can focus on what I love and what I am best at while Next Door and Buddy Profits focus on what they are best at. It’s really a win/win for all involved.”

New recruits to be introduced on Active Duty this summer include newcomer Thomas Woods, Josiah and James, with more to come.

Active Duty is available for promotion through the Buddy Profits affiliate program. For more information contact [email protected].

Find Active Duty online and on Twitter.