YouTube Shuts Down <I>Wet Palms</I> Music Video

On Friday, May 12, after more than 8,000 plays, deleted the Wet Palms music video “Something I Should Have Said” that had been running since early Thursday, Jet Set Productions' Mark Hovanec reported today.

Those attempting to view the music video on Friday saw only a blank space with the message “This video has been removed due to terms of use violation,” Hovanec said. "There was no more explanation and no one at You Tube was available for comment, and no response was tendered to our inquiries."

Hovanec describes Wet Palms as "an episodic show that pushes reality and deals with the day-to-day lives of a unique group of gay characters." Speculating as to why the music video — which is not hardcore — was killed, Hovanec said, "Your guess is as good as mine. We don’t know if it was the sex, drugs, or violence. But whatever it was — 8,000 people sure enjoyed themselves.”

Jet Set has posted the music video, an original composition by Gabriel Knight who plays one of the lead characters, on its server for viewing:

Gabriel Knight photo courtesy of