Silly Questions with Dean Phoenix

What is always in your fridge?

Leftovers from dinner from the night before...usually chicken of sorts...sparkling cider...chocolate pudding...

What Hollywood actor do you see yourself as the porn version of?
I guess on a rough day at the office I consider myself Russell Crowe and on a calm day at the office I consider myself Dean Cain.

How old were you when you lost your virginity?
I popped a girl's cherry at 18 and got poked by my first boy love when I was 18. And then I poked some boy right after. LOL

Madonna or Mariah?
Mariah! Hel-lo! I'm one of her lambs. Go, Mariah!

What was the name of your biggest teen crush?
Biggest teen crush was Zak Jantz. Ahh, dreamy.

What's your fave vacation spot and why?
Since I use to live in the U.S. Virgin Islands, I would say St. John.

Favorite jerkoff fantasy?
In an office cubicle with him wearing a hot suit and tie.

What superpower would you like to have?
I'd like to be able to fly or have all of Peter Petrelli's powers from Heroes.

Favorite TV show? (All-time or current)
All-time favorite show would be Mama's Family, and now Heroes and So You Think You Can Dance.

What freaks you out?
What freaks me out is how much people can drink at a bar...and how fast.

What's the most important quality in a friend?
Unconditional love.

What do you never leave the house without?
Keys, phone and a smile.

Favorite sport?
Pro basketball.

Favorite cocktail?
Favorite cocktail if I was drinking would be Jack and Diet.

Which is better - casual sex with strangers or sex within a relationship?
Sex in a relationship is a lot better.

What song do you do best at karaoke?

Scary movies: yea or nay?
Way yay.