RJ Danvers in Ford Modeling Contest

SAN FRANCISCO - Raging Stallion exclusive RJ Danvers is part of the Ford Models Model Search 2008 contest. The 19-year-old, who at this writing was in second place in the competition, tells GAYVN that he got involved with the contest through a friend who forwarded him a link. He says, "I was doing some modeling before I got into porn, and it was always something that I'd been interested in but never had the right avenue to pursue it seriously. This contest might end up being the opportunity I need to get into mainstream modeling."

He goes on to say, "I am pretty sure they know I do gay porn! Some people have left some unfriendly comments on the model page on the site, with links to sites I've been featured on. They end up getting filtered out by the moderators, so I'm sure they have an inkling of what I do on the side. I'm not sure what kind of impact it will have. I see guys like Erik Rhodes and Francois Sagat doing mainstream stuff, so I don't think the modeling industry as a whole is that judgmental, but I guess I'm just gonna play it by ear. If I win, I win, and that'd be awesome. If not, I'm still ecstatic to be making movies for Raging Stallion."

He also says that he hasn't yet been asked to shave his chest and notes that he thinks his fur has helped him stand out from the other models. "I've been really lucky that every photographer I've worked with in my life has wanted me hairy," he says. "They say it is something unique, that I can pull it off like a lot of guys can't, and so a lot of photographers jump at the chance to shoot a young hairy guy. I guess the bottom line is it makes me who I am, and I would feel really weird without all my fur!"

Showing that Raging Stallion isn't concerned about losing one of its best and brightest, the studio's president, Chris Ward, said, "RJ is one of those guys with universal appeal. He is the youngest model in our stable of exclusive stars, and his appeal is phenomenal. I expect him to go far - he is young, beautiful, hairy and proud! Go, RJ! Shove them all off the runway!"

The contest ends May 31 and you may vote for your choice of model once per day.