The rev-share experts at have made two additions to their portfolio of popular reality sites: anal-themed, and gay reality site
"The popularity of reality sites generally is still going strong, and anal content has been a top seller in the adult video market for years now," TopBucks director of public relations Quentin Boyer told " is more of a parody of a TV phenomenon than the reality sites we have done in the past, which surfers and site members should have fun with. We anticipate both great conversion ratios and strong membership retention for both sites."
"The line of HerFirst sites that we have already launched have done very well, and we anticipate the same kind of performance from HerFirstAnalSex," Lea Buscyk, director of marketing for TopBucks, said in a statement. "Our gay reality sites have been among our best-converting sites overall since their first launch, and GayBlindDateSex has a great hook with the blind date storylines. The conversion ratios on the test traffic we sent to both sites were simply amazing."
Like all TopBucks reality sites, the two latest additions feature exclusive content, weekly updates, and access to an enormous selection of plugin content.