Industry Vets Form All-Gay Ad Network

MONTREAL, Quebec—Gay market veterans Rainey Stricklin, Joe Stricklin and Roger McMan have joined forces to form, an all-gay, pay-per-click advertising and publishing network.

 “We looked around the marketplace and realized there was a glaring deficit when it came to a dedicated gay advertising network,” said Roger McMan, who also runs “As an advertiser myself, I found it very frustrating to have to weed through dozens of 'straight' networks trying to eke out a bit of quality gay traffic.”

The new network focuses solely on gay traffic, and while advertisers can target by device, country, times of day, etc., the company is mainly concentrating on desktop traffic right now. Additionally, both publishers and advertisers get the convenience of a self-service bidding platform with the quality of an experienced account management team available to all clients, no matter their monthly spend.

“Our goal is not primarily quantity to start, but quality,” said partner Joe Stricklin. “We're not focused on how many impressions we serve daily, but rather that the traffic works for our advertising clientele, and therefore creates a profitable situation for all parties.”

For advertisers, GayAdShop provides a real-time CPC bidding platform, banner, text and pop-up/under ad spots, automated creative weighting based on performance, targeting by domain, device, keyword, and more, and both direct buys and run-of-network available.

For publishers, the company offers everything from simple invocation codes, to invoicing and relationship management, allowing clients just sit back and rest assured that our technology combined with staff delivers fast load times, advanced click-fraud protection, and algorithms that ensure revenue is maximized. Best of all? No more straight ads ending up on client sites, wasting space and money.

 “We want to be more than just another ad network,” said Rainey Stricklin. “We want to be a partner, helping advertisers find the quality gay traffic they need and helping publishers manage their ad inventory efficiently and profitably.”

The team at GayAdShop is currently integrating publishers and signing up advertisers and is interested in talking with both about their new service and platform. To sign up as an advertiser, click here, and click here to sign up as a publisher.

For more information about the system, email here or contact Rainey here.