Fresh Off the Bus: Peter Mitchum

Fresh off the bus from? Berlin, Germany

Age: 27

Height: 6-1

Weight: 180

Distinguishing features: "My ass, my eyes, and my smile."

Tattoos/piercings: None

How big is it? 8"

Sexual orientation: "Oh, I'm gay!"

Relationship status: "I am single and open!"

First adult video performance: "Big on the Inside [Club Inferno]. I am the newest Hot House Exclusive!"

What did you do before getting into porn? "Computer science."

How did you get into the gay XXX industry? "Chris Steele at Falcon referred me to Hot House when he saw my ass!"

How did you get your porn name? "Hot House Talent Coordinator Jimmy Bramlett and I came up with it."

Most memorable on-screen performance? "With Nick Piston in Big on the Inside."

Most memorable on-set experience not captured on video: "Fun with director David Lamm and videographer Michael Gunther on Big on the Inside.

What is the dirtiest/sexiest thing you've ever done? "I got fisted in a club in Berlin right next to the dance floor. Most of the crowd didn't realize, but the ones that did got a great show."

Favorite co-star? "Nick Piston."

Who would you like to work with? "Thom Barron, Jeff Berlin."

Favorite sex act or position? "Fisting versatile."

What are your long-term goals? "Moving to San Francisco and enjoying life!"

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