First Cruising For Sex Title Debuts with All Boys

SOUTH PARIS, Maine - On June 11, 2007, Americans were scandalized when a largely unknown-before-then, ultra-conservative Republican senator from Idaho was arrested for allegedly soliciting gay sex in a public men's room at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

Since then, Larry Craig's name has become synonymous with "cruising," a time-honored tradition in which gay men seek each other out in public places for anonymous, spur-of-the-moment sex.

Long before Craig became a household word, the website CruisingForSex established itself as a mainstay of the online cruising scene. When the Craig scandal broke, mainstream media couldn't get enough interview time with the site's founder, Keith Griffith. (Craig, by the way, continues to maintain he is not now, nor has he ever been, gay, despite a subsequent rush of alleged past liaisons into the limelight to declare their relationships with the senator.)

To commemorate the one-year anniversary of Craig's "coming out party," CruisingForSex and All Boys Distribution have released the first in a new video line also called Cruising for Sex. Entitled Cruisemaster Road Trip 1, the video is available exclusively from All Boys by calling (877) 525-5269 or emailing.