COLT Launches Roland Dane Fan Site

SAN FRANCISCO - COLT Studio Group has launched a new fan site for Roland Dane.

Dane began directing the Olympus line for COLT slightly more than a year ago, and each of his movies have become worldwide best sellers, according to the company. Dane has received praise for his work because, as a model himself, he has a feeling for what it takes to get the best performances out of his Olympus men.

The third movie in Dane's Olympus line, Bodyguards, will see its streaming premiere at Dane's site this week; it will debut simultaneously on COLT Studio Group's website. The DVD is available at the COLT Studio Store.

Bodyguards stars Fernando Nielson, Flavio Valentino and Kane O'Farrell.

Dane also will offer live-cam appearances at his site and plans in the future to feature special guest appearances by the uncut Eastern European studs who populate the Olympus line.