Bible’s Adam Played by Sexual Free Spirit

PETERSBURG, Ky. - Eric Linden, an actor who played Adam in a film for a creationist museum, may have been tempted by more than an apple.

The Associated Press reports that Linden owns a website,, on which he has photos of himself with a drag queen (gasp!) while wearing a T-shirt with the site's "sexually suggestive" logo. The site lets users post erotic stories and photos. SFGate also points out that he sells clothing for SFX International,which "promotes 'free love,' 'pleasure,' and 'thrillz.'"

Linden claims that he passed off the domain name and he "doesn't know what's going on with it." The AP reports that he registered the site 18 months ago.

The 40-second video in which he portrays the Biblical Adam was pulled from Kentucky's Creation Museum after news broke of his extracurricular activities.

Linden says, regarding his portrayal of Eve's partner, "Just because I'm Adam on the screen, that doesn't mean I'm Adam off the screen. What I do shouldn't have anything to do with who they think Adam is.… I'm hired to get a point across. On the flip side, if I was hired to play a murderer, that doesn't mean I'd go out and kill somebody. It's make-believe."

A post on the homepage of claims that Linden is not affiliated with the site.