Directed by Jim Powers, "ET XXX: A DreamZone Parody" will be released by DreamZone Entertainment in October. In this feature-length parody, a group of college kids help a lovable and oversexed alien find his way home.
It stars Capri Anderson as Elle, a lonely girl who develops a special bond with the stranded space creature. Other cast members include Veronica Radke, Jodi Taylor, Alana Evans, Logan Pierce, Tyler Nixon, Bradley Remington and Will Powers. It’s a close encounter with the extraterrestrial …with an extra testicle.
A special suit was designed for the production by Cleve Hall from Syfy Network’s Monster Man, who has been a special effects artist since the mid-1980s. Just as in the original film, DreamZone’s ET has an appendage that lights up—but as one might guess, it’s not his finger.