At a state mental facility, the electric shock machine has broken down once again. The doctor in charge has become quite desperate. In a panic, he allows his head nurse to implement a very controversial therapy. The treatment has remarkable results—and raises staff morale as well.
The improvised treatment devised by Nurse Snatchit (Alexis Ford) and Dr. Blacklong (L.T.) will more than satisfy fans of cuckold fantasies: Sex-starved wives get boned by big black orderlies as an alternative to shock therapy, designed to snap their crazy husbands back to reality.
Does the treatment work? Hard to say if it does much for the patients, but their caregivers seem much happier.
The treatment is so successful for wives Shayla LaVeaux, Kim Blossom and Brianna Brooks that Nurse Snatch-It tries it out herself with Dr. Blacklong in the final scene.