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Single White She Male

Single White She Male

Released May 31st, 1993
Running Time 76
Director Jim Enright
Company Pleasure Productions
Cast Tom Byron, Tiffany Mynx, Corey Nixon, Karen Dior, Nick Romano, Sharon Kane
Critical Rating Not Yet Rated
Genre Specialty



With better production values and tighter editing, this could have been one helluva sex success. Even so, it breaks a lot of new ground. Having gay and straight sex scenes in the same movie would be great -- if we lived in an ideal world of true sexual equality. Unfortunately, there are damn few people who will appreciate what director Jim success has attempted, and almost sucess fully pulled off. My major complaint is that the sex scenes drag on too long, thus losing their impetus. However, Karen Dior is marvelous as Sharon Kane's new roommate -- who has something to hide, and an eye for Sharon's boyfriend (played to perfection by Tom Byron). The highlights include Tommy and Tiffany Mynx's incendiary (but poorly paced) tryst, and the tape ender with Karen and Nick Romano's dual cum shot! A nice effort that unfortunately falls short of its intended goal.

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