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Freshman Fantasies 28

Freshman Fantasies 28

Released Oct 31st, 2000
Running Time 107
Director "Professor" Mike
Company All Good Video
Cast Alec Metro, Dominica, Kylie (I), Steve Drake, Rick Masters, Molly (I), Ian Daniels, Mie-Yu, Pat Myne
Critical Rating AAA 1/2
Genre Gonzo



There's a reason they call this company "All Good," and there's a reason they've done almost 30 of this line.


"Professor" Mike introduces five girls to their fantasies here. Mie-Yu, from the Philippines, likes water, so Mike takes her and Rick Masters out on a boat, with footage taken in the moving boat. Kylie wants to have a wedding night, so Alec Metro is kitted out in a tux and put in the bridal suite of a hotel (Great moment where Metro, fumbling with the tie, says he's not going out on the street in this because some chick wants to do a valet). Dominica knows little English, but she can tell Mike what turns her on: "Porsche." Enter Pat Myne, behind the wheel. Molly wants to do the baby-sitter bit with Steve Drake, and "Kim" (now known as Aurora Snow) wants to have a zipless tryst in a dressing room. The fantasies are pedestrian, as is often the case, but they do it for the girls, and that's what counts.

Tech credits first rate, with well-illuminated shots and editing that intensifies the scenes. A few moments of silence during the Dominica/Pat Myne go-round would have been a problem if she spoke English and the background before and after had been more than ambient sound.

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