Sleaze & Delicacy Combine in Axel Abysse's Fistingcentric 'Fluid'

TOKYO, JP—Tokyo-based porn auteur Axel Abysse presents his take on fluidity—substances that flow and retain no set shape, or persons whose personality or gender identity fit no rigidly defined boundaries—in the sexual realm, with a groundbreaking new video that combines the many dimensions of “fluid.” The scene will be online and available at on Friday, April 19.

Known for his sexual pioneering, in “Fluid,” Abysse meets and strikes erotic sparks with gender-fluid performer RedRoseHanky in the 27-minute scene, artistically rendered by photographer Ivan Sobris (@ivansobris on Twitter). Sobris worked with Abysse on previous favorites “Baiser” and “Shout.” His keen-eyed work in “Fluid” captures all the scene’s flowing liquids, as well as the sleaze and delicacy that characterize the special nature of their encounter.

He reminisced about the shoot.

"When I first met RedRoseHanky to discuss the shoot with Axel, I was struck by how open and proud he was about his sexuality and fisting," Sobris said. "I knew straight away I'd witness something amazing, but I was still far from imagining how incredibly torrid the result would be!"

Axel’s scene partner RedRoseHanky is a gender non-conforming man who wears makeup and a latex hourglass corset in “Fluid,” a departure from the rough-and-tumble masculine clichés typical of male fisting porn. He sees the contrasts in his image and predilections.

“People assume that because I am elegant or put effort and artistry into the way I look that I am too delicate for the sort of piggy sex that I so enjoy," RedRoseHanky explained. "Why would I want to bury my face in someone’s sweaty armpit or drink their piss if it would smear my artwork? It is for that very reason that I do; my art and my sexual ability are two unrelated things. Sex is a gorgeous thing: sweaty, sloppy, piss-filled, hard, painful, beautiful sex is one of my favorite activities in the world. To wrestle control of the inevitable decay of my makeup and turn it into a spectacle of raw sexual piggishness is simply taking the makeup and turning it into another piece of art entirely.”

A unique and unusual video requires something more than the expected disco thump soundtrack of male porn, so Abysse enlisted the talents of composer 3pm, who rose to the challenge of the scene’s interplay of opposites.

“My original intent was to go into the scene with a pretty commercial or standard pulsing drum and it just didn't feel right," 3pm explained. "There was so much intensity on screen that I scrapped my first draft completely and approached it like I do any other film I work on, which is through themes and melodies. The scene has this dominant and submissive switch perspective, and a play with gender and labels, so I wanted to translate that into something musically and emotional and not feel cheesy. So there is this constant atmosphere of tension happening from the first moment to the last frame. And in that atmosphere there are these two dancing elements with synthesizers that work together and exchange energy but then there are also some organic gentler elements of piano and guitar and a small vocal riff that plays with what is feminine and masculine. It's a dance between all the elements to help drive the on screen connection and chemistry.”

Axel said that he's excited to present a complex and erotic scene that will challenge and arouse viewers with something even more intense and connected than fisting enthusiasts might expect.

"Fluid" with RedRoseHanky and Axel Abysse premieres Friday, April 19, on

Pictured: RedRoseHanky